FCFS Scheduling Program in C++ with explanation
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What is FCFS Scheduling Algorithm
- FCFS stands for First Come First Serve.
- The process that arrives in ready queue have least first gets the CPU first.
- The processes gets serviced by the CPU in order of their arrival time in ascending order.
- FCFS is a nonpreemptive algorithm
If you want to understand more about FCFS algorithm with example, watch the below video.
Implementing FCFS Algorithm in C++
- Number of processes
- Arrival time of each process. If all process arrives at the same time, this can be set to 0 for all processes.
- Burst time of each process
- Start Time(ST), Completion Time(CT), Turnaround Time(TAT), Waiting Time(WT) and Response Time(RT) for each process.
- Average turnaround Time, average waiting time and average response time.
- Throughput and cpu utilization.
If you want to understand implementation of algorithm with an example, do watch the video below.
- Stable sort the processes in order of arrival time in ascending order.
- Calculate start time and completion time for each process
- Start time = (i == 0)?p[i].arrival_time:max(p[i].arrival_time,p[i-1].completion_time)
- completion_time = start_time + p[i].burst_time
- Calculate TAT, WT and RT using formulas
RT = ST - AT
If you want to understand how these formulas are derived, watch the below video.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct process {
int pid;
int arrival_time;
int burst_time;
int start_time;
int completion_time;
int turnaround_time;
int waiting_time;
int response_time;
bool compareArrival(process p1, process p2)
return p1.arrival_time < p2.arrival_time;
bool compareID(process p1, process p2)
return p1.pid < p2.pid;
int main() {
int n;
struct process p[100];
float avg_turnaround_time;
float avg_waiting_time;
float avg_response_time;
float cpu_utilisation;
int total_turnaround_time = 0;
int total_waiting_time = 0;
int total_response_time = 0;
int total_idle_time = 0;
float throughput;
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout<<"Enter the number of processes: ";
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout<<"Enter arrival time of process "<<i+1<<": ";
cout<<"Enter burst time of process "<<i+1<<": ";
p[i].pid = i+1;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p[i].start_time = (i == 0)?p[i].arrival_time:max(p[i-1].completion_time,p[i].arrival_time);
p[i].completion_time = p[i].start_time + p[i].burst_time;
p[i].turnaround_time = p[i].completion_time - p[i].arrival_time;
p[i].waiting_time = p[i].turnaround_time - p[i].burst_time;
p[i].response_time = p[i].start_time - p[i].arrival_time;
total_turnaround_time += p[i].turnaround_time;
total_waiting_time += p[i].waiting_time;
total_response_time += p[i].response_time;
total_idle_time += (i == 0)?(p[i].arrival_time):(p[i].start_time - p[i-1].completion_time);
avg_turnaround_time = (float) total_turnaround_time / n;
avg_waiting_time = (float) total_waiting_time / n;
avg_response_time = (float) total_response_time / n;
cpu_utilisation = ((p[n-1].completion_time - total_idle_time) / (float) p[n-1].completion_time)*100;
throughput = float(n) / (p[n-1].completion_time - p[0].arrival_time);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout<<"Average Turnaround Time = "<<avg_turnaround_time<<endl;
cout<<"Average Waiting Time = "<<avg_waiting_time<<endl;
cout<<"Average Response Time = "<<avg_response_time<<endl;
cout<<"CPU Utilization = "<<cpu_utilisation<<"%"<<endl;
cout<<"Throughput = "<<throughput<<" process/unit time"<<endl;
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